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pro-iBiosphere series of meetings in Berlin
Iliyana Kuzmova

The pro-iBiosphere project is organising 3 workshops to be held on May 21-23, 2013 in Berlin:

  • May 21st: Workshop on Requirements of users of Flora, Fauna or Mycota publications or services - more information here.
  • May 22nd: Workshop on Measuring and constraining the costs of delivering services - more information here.
  • May 23rd: Workshop on Coordination and routes for cooperation - more information here.

The workshops will take place at the JKI Biological Research Center located nearby the Berlin Botanical Garden and Museum.

You are invited to follow and/or participate in the discussions on Twitter by using the hashtag #pibber !

For complementary information on these events (concept and objectives, accommodation and transportation), please visit the dedicated project wiki pages here or contact us.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 312848